For this picture, I wanted to create an antique, worn and dirtied look. To achieve this I looked for textures that would create that effect. I found free textures that were available for use on flickr. I took two textures and opened them up in photoshop. I put both textures on seperate layers on my photo. Then I selected the blend mode that looked the best for each texture. Finally I adjusted the opacity of each texture. I really like the result.
For this picture, I used a Cross-Processing tutorial. First, I added a layer and adjusted the curves. I adjusted the Red, Green and Blue curve. Then I adjusted the blend mode to Color so that the highlights wouldn't be blown out. I added another layer with Solid Color. I chose a yellow-green color and adjusted the opacity of the layer to 5%. For the finishing touch, I found a flim rebate to frame the picture on flickr. I overlayed this on top of the photo. I think the result is very interesting. It's very dramatic, and though I like the look, I proabably wouldn't want to do this for very many photos.
For this picture, I used a watercolor painting tutorial. The first step was to duplicate the background layer three times. Then I added the Cut Out filter to the first layer. I adjusted the blend mode to Luminosity. Then I added the Dry Brush filter to the second later. I adjusted the blend mode to Screen and took the opacity down to 56% so that the details were less blown out. Then I added a Median Blur with a radian value of 12 px to the third layer. Finally, I adjusted the blend mode to Soft Light. I think the end result is very pretty. However, it didn't work as well on my photo because it had much less colors than the landscape photo used in the tutorial.